There has been some talk about "your body craves a certain mineral so
you crave arugula". But I want to point out that when we have a food
intolerance often our body craves that food we are most intolerant of. I
can't prove this except that empirically through this and other
mailgroups it seems to be true. People allergic to wheat _love_ bread,
for instance, and when they start eating it they can't stop. Ditto with
chocolate (I am definitely very allergic to chocolate and when I ate
chocolate I used to eat a whole box of See's candy at a
sitting...couldn't stop myself.)

Food intolerances mask your body's reactions to them. It takes a while
of "going clean" for you to become more sensitive to that food you are
intolerant of, then you react with only a small amount that before would
have been "no problem."

I would say that when you are "clean" eating a paleo diet for a while,
perhaps then cravings are more "natural" for foods you _really_ need.
