> Allergies probably have to do with the fact that we are not exposed to
> so much bacteria when young, as we are evolutionary expected to be.
> There was a very good article about that in New Scientist
> called "Let Them
> Eat Dirt" some time ago:
> http://www.newscientist.com/ns/980718/features.html
> I don't think a paleodiet can change asthma very much (unless
> it removes
> something You are allergic against), but a complete paleo
> life, preferably
> from birth, would help :-)

I've got that very issue, and found the article very interesting, I am
a litte bit allergic to many things, most notable, cats pollen & dust.

I also have been raised very "cleanly", beeing in less contact with
other children than on the average (I never went to "Kindergarten",
and there where not so many children in my neighbourhood).

I've also found that I have got more "allergic" to cats since I
moved out of my parents home (...and they always have had cats!)
Can it be that you sometimes worsen your problems by removing the

As you state, the article proposes that the imune defence get trained
in early ages. If so, why would't the imune system be able to "train"
it self later on as well?? Any ideas? experiences?

/Jonas Amoson