Susan Carmack wrote:

>Have you tried these meat products raw?
Hi Susan. I tried liver raw and brain cooked
- you may get used to its taste.
But now I'm following my own
style of natural nutrition - based on nuts and fresh plants.
I found there the best composition of micro and macronitrients.
And i like its taste, availability and simplicity in the kitchen.

> Cooked,
>would they supply the nutrients desired?
Liver will keep it's favourable vitamin A content
(it's resistant to heat).
Some other important vitamins will disappear though
- especially the folic acid and vitamin b1. Vitamin-c will be
Good to eat it raw.....

The polyunsaturated fats (w-3 or not) are also a little sensible
to heat. That's the reason why better not to fry with sunflower oil.
If cooking marrow or brain i'd suggest not to choose the biggest

> I have a great cookbook by Adelle
>Davis who held organ meats in high esteem.
Organs are in many aspects better that muscles.
Alas often suspect to environmental intoxications.

>Speaking of Adelle Davis. I am looking for her book, Let's Have
>Healthy Children.
I've read quite a couple of books, but I don't know Ms.Davis'.
Maybe she is not much known in Europe.

Forunately my children look strong,big and healthy :-)



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