In message <[log in to unmask]>, Amanda Lucas
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>I know a lot of you are parents of milk allergic
>children, but how many milk allergic (not LI) adults
>do we have out there?

I have become increasing intolerant of dairy products, probably since I
was in my late twenties. (I'm now 43.) When I was in my thirties, I
stopped knowingly eating dairy products. I couldn't say for sure which
part of milk gives me problems, but I was discussing it with my brother
(who also has to be careful about dairy intake, along with my sister and
our mother) and we think it may be the milk fat that is our problem. I
know that cream is the absolute worst dairy product for me, and that
cheese is pretty bad too. (They play havoc with my bowels.) I can also
usually tell if I get any yoghurt: it makes my skin feel as if it's
going to burst, and my fingers tingle. (As yoghurt is often low fat,
maybe I've just contradicted myself here?)

Helen Edith Stephenson  <[log in to unmask]>