i am sure you all are tired of this but here is two sites you can go to for
info and help on this virus thing.
  in my younger days i knew a melissa. she did not create quite this much of
a stir. however she did stir me at times.

> Here are two web sites that might assist in the detection and cleaning of
> the "Melissa" virus.  There are probably many more available at different
> web sites.  Please be sure that you have actively addressed this Virus
> Alert in your CIO. IRMO will keep you updated as more information becomes
> available.
> Here is the McAfee web page information.
> http://www.avertlabs.com/public/datafiles/valerts/vinfo/melissa.asp
> Here is a referenced web page from Microsoft.
> ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/transfer/outgoing/bussys/mail/melissa-virus.zip