Below is a message I received from a pal warning me of scam artists taking
advantage of the "impending" doom and gloom of the millenium change. Please
be warned.

> -----Original Message-----
> >Subject: FW: Y2K Scam
> >
> >I got a call from a man this weekend telling me he represented my bank
> >and that they were having difficulty meeting requirements to be computer
> >ready for Y2K. He said all bank customers would need to transfer their
> >accounts to a bond account specially designed to protect our money until
> >the bank could fully comply with Y2K requirements. He then said to
> >verify that he was talking to the proper account person I needed to
> >confirm information about myself, my account numbers and then give
> >verbal authorization to Transfer funds to this specially designed
> >account. I don't trust folks who do this kind of thing so I asked him
> >which of the banks I use did he represent. He was not able to do that
> >and hung up at that point. Please pass this info to friends or family
> >because this is a huge scam that is going on all across the country.
> >Some people would be scared to think they would loose all their money
> >(which he said was sure to happen if I didn't do this now) and would
> >supply the information without first checking this out. I notified the
> >phone company of the call - since I have caller ID, I could give them a
> >number but the identifier just said "out of area". It came from a 248
> >area code which is around Detroit. Anyway, just passing this along so
> >you'd be aware and beware. Have a good day.
> >