<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I believe there is a connection between Celiac Sprue and alopecia (hair
loss) Universalist or totalis (entire body). My husband and his sister
both have the condition and both of them are celiac. My husband lost his
hair at 10 years old, then at 15 years old and then the last time was at
age 19. It fell out three times, but returned only twice. He is now 34
years old and has very slight light whiskers and a few pubic hairs.
His sister's hair fell out the same way, small patch of baldness that grew
over entire head, but her alopecia didn't start until age 18. For the past
several months it has been growing in, but the hair is very fragile and it
is unlikely that it will remain for very long.
I read somewhere that celiac and alopecia occur on the same gene and I
believe my husband mentioned a study that is about to take place where they
want to interview siblings that share these two conditions (celiac and
I think it's fair to say that at this time there is no known cure. It's a
huge obstacle for most people to learn to accept. It can create some very
deep social and psychological problems for the person, especially if it
occurs at a young age (the old adage: "kids can be cruel").
I would be glad to discuss this further or answer any questions at my
e-mail address listed above.
One last thing, both my husband and his sister lost their hair after a
severe viral infection. They believe there is a connection there, also. I
tend to believe this, too.