<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

As an infant I was fed whole milk which was added to butter and white flour
mixed and heated in a pan.  I had dark circles [unusual for a child of Irish
and English descent I was told] under my eyes and was painfully thin until I
was 17 years old when I went away to college.  There I relaxed and gained
weight.  Went from 114 to 135 [5'81/2"]

When my first child was born I began to have allergic symptoms.  By the
time, four years later, the third child was born I was a full-fledged
allergic asthmatic.  Last February, I was "muscle-tested" and told that I
was born without the enzyme that digests gluten and to go off wheat, rye,
oats and barley immediately.  A few weeks later I was told to avoid
vaso-amines [things like pineapples, and apples and tomatoes and avocados
and shrimp and many more foods.]  I still don't know what a vaso-amine is

The chronic and severe allergic asthma is gone!!!  Allergies to animals,
dust, molds, ragweed are unknown to me for one year!!!  I lost 30 lbs and
now have the figure I always knew could be mine.

Now my question.  Since my symptoms do not include wasting or diarrhea only
allergic asthma, do I have celiac disease?  Is it something else?  Does it

By the way, we have two beautiful male adult cats and occasionally when I
eat a tomato or a banana or chocolate, my eyes itch.

Am I here under false pretenses?  :^)
Pam in Auburn, NY