<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


I would like to thank everyone who responded to my question about my antibody
tests.  Being negative, I am sort of wondering what may be going on, and
thinking about my next steps.

Many people pointed out that I most likely have a wheat allergy.  What struck
me as interesting was that a few people were both allergic to wheat and
Celiac, and since having gone GF their reaction to wheat has intensified. But
I have read that some people's reactions subside somewhat, after a time.

I only suspect that I am celiac because I feel astoundingly, what is the
word....*normal* --a sort of "sense of well being" that was mentioned by
someone earlier after having a reaction, over the last two weeks of my GF
diet.  I had one accident during this time, upon which old symptoms returned.
These symptoms are "brain in the bag" mental fogginess, lethargy, depression,
irritability, dizziness, diarreah, tingliness and probably some others.  On
the GF diet my previously coated tongue is starting to clear up (has anyone
else had difficulties with a white coated tongue??).

I am going to get allergy testing done, but should I consider being tested for
CD--do my reactions sound like those of a celiac or just possible temporary
intolerance/alleric reaction?  I am thinking of just keeping to this diet, and
reintroducing gluten slowly to see if I get over it in time.  If I do not,
then should I assume I should go back and be tested again?

I am sorry I ask so many questions...it is just a difficult period for me and
I haven't found a good GI (my GI was actaully quarelling with me!!).  I live
in the Palm Springs, CA  area, and every time I try to check the list of
support groups my server doesn't go through for some reason.

Thank you for reading to this point, and for everyone's previous repsonses and
