<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Cecilia Vohl wrote:

>I'm confused about the inclusion of canola oil into supposedly
> gluten-free foods when some celiacs react (as I do) to the canola oil
> since it's made from rapeseed which is alternatively grown in fields
> where wheat is grown.  There are a few lucky ones who don't react, but
> shouldn't gluten-free be exactly that, gluten-free?

Chuck Bolz reply:

>>I haven't been able to find definitive information on this, either.  I
>>know that rapeseed is grown in the same climates as wheat, and its
>>likely that its used with wheat in crop rotation.  But rapeseed and
>>wheat processing are very different, as far as I can find out.  Wheat
>>kernels are likely to be rejected in rapeseed harvesting, and the
>>remaining kernels are unlikely to affect the pressing of oil.
>>Although I react to even trace amounts of wheat flour in products, I
>>don't react to canola oil.  But I know Celiacs who do, so there's
>>obviously a problem. Comments?

According to one reference I have (The Laws of Pesach, A Digest by Rabbi
Avroham Blumendrantz, 1998) "Wheat fields are left to "rest" by planting
rapeseed plants in their place every so often.  We are told that there
is the possibility of 1 kernel of wheat to be found in 5000 rapeseeds."
The bottom line according to Rabbi Blumencrantz is that canola oil is
not permitted for Pesach.

I don't know what percentage this would be of the oil or even what would
happen in the manufacturing plant that made the oil.

Betsey Carus
Baltimore, MD USA