On Fri, 12 Feb 1999 22:03:34 -0500 G V Palazzolo <[log in to unmask]>

>So it seems to me that the Kosher mark alone is meaningless.

That's the conclusion I'm coming to.  My understanding is that if there
is no "modifier", then the default is Parve unless it is OBVIOUSLY dairy
or meat.  Hence the reason I went on faith that jelly beans would not be
obviously dairy or meat.  Also, since the chocolates right next to them
had the Dairy modifier (same company, same Kosher mark) I figured they
did use it when appropriate.

My other peeve is that a bunch of things we had been eating (Triscuits,
Vienna Finger, Hydrox) are now marked Kosher-Dairy although there is no
change in formula or manufacturing.  What good is it if I still have to
stand and read the ingredients on every label every time I shop anyway?

Kathy P.

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