<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello Fellow listmates -

I have been on the K U Liver Transplant list for nearly 3 years.  While
having all this testing done (3 yrs ago) it was discovered by KU medical
center that I was Celiac.  The extreme damage to my liver was beyond
repair.  On the 22nd of January, I will be making about a 600 mile road
journy to having all the pre-ope. test done.  I then will be placed on
the criital list for a liver.  I live in a very small town with a Doctor
whom I care about but he knows next to nothing about Celiac Disease.  I
am petrified but at the same time quite anxious to elimante the word
pain from my life.  I thought I would take a moment of your time to see
if any of you may be able to offer suggestions.  I cannot afford to
drive to K.U. for every apointment.  Here Goes......Do any of you know
if the undetected Celiac Disease could be the source of my sever liver
damage?  And #2, after I recieve a new liver, will I still have Celiac
Disease?  Any imput would be greatly appreciated.  If it matters, I am
36 years old, (too young to die) female and shaken in my Kansas Boots.

Your Friend....Deb