
        Great joke!

>at the risk of provoking a rash of "get me off this #%&^#&* list" notices i
>offer up a bit of humor this morning.
>5 surgeons we talking one day.
>1st surgeon: "i like to operate on accountants because i open them up and
>everything is by the numbers."
>2nd surgeon: "i like to operate on librarians because when i open them up
>everything is by the books."
>3rd surgeon: "i like to operate on electricians because when i open them up
>i find everything color coded."
>4th surgeon: "i like to operate on construction workers because when i work
>on them they are extra parts left but they understand."
>5th surgeon: " i really like politicians most. they have no  guts, no spine,
>not heart, no brain, and their butts and head are interchangable."