Just FYI.  When we took our 17 month old in for testing, the pediatric
allergist said (after positive results) to return in a year for a retest
and avoid the indicated foods in the meantime (and more details).  He
said that for the two foods where the wheals are getting much smaller he'd
want to do an in-office challenge eventually but ...

Not until our son can talk, so that he can tell the doctor if his throad
starts to itch, etc, symptoms that are hard to see but easy for a chiild
to tell about prior to a full-blown reaction.

He also said that his tests are only valid for histamene allergies; if
we had indications of other reactions to foods he'd have to suggest other
types of tests (like eliminaation diets, I assume.)

I thought this doctor sounded pretty good.  He's Dr. Josephs in Bethesda, MD,
in case anyone needs a referral in our aread.

--Beth Kevles
  [log in to unmask]
  http://web.mit.edu/kevles/www/nomilk.html -- a page for the milk-allergic