<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I recently asked if others experienced bad reaction to Sunkist fruit.  I
received one "no"; one "yes";  one suggestion that maybe I had too much yeast
in my digestive system; and one having similar reaction to dried prunes.  The
responses are as follows:

"Check your fruit for sulfites.. their deadly."


"Looks like you have yeast overgrow in your digesting system. Talk to
your doctor about it, also search for "candida albicans" on www."


"No, none.  I eat the stuff all the time!"


"Yes, I had a terrible reaction to dried fruit (I don't think sunkist alone
causes me the
problem).  I was making frequent trips to the bathroom for about 6 hours after
I ate
some dried fruit.  Terrible gas, bloating and the works!!!"

"I have gotten indigestion from their prunes, but I didn't think it was a
"Reaction" in the usual sense.  Have done fine with their dates. [text
omitted]  I definitely avoid their flavored varieties of dried fruit.

Interesting responses.  Thanks to all.