Carla MacInnis wrote:
(among other things...)
>   Wouldn't it be great if some Joe Blow living with paraplegia or cp,
> started his own shop selling the very same products at lesser prices.
> Heck, it costs the same to manufactur them no matter where they are sold!
> The orthotics shop gets away with gouging the public because they have a
> captive audience, even though it is limited.

God!  I know what you mean!  A couple years ago I had articulated AFO
(an "ankle-foot-orthotic" that bends at the ankle) made from high-impact
PTFE.  Thing set me back about $2000.  Anyway, it never worked right
until I showed the thing to the physiatrist and he said it would NEVER
work right because when the orthotist made it, she formed it to my foot
while it was tonic!  I tried to get her to redo the thing or give me
back my cash.  Yeah, right!

So, you're right.  Their market is captive.

Your fellow prisoner,
