From:   David Gillett [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]


          CD-ROM drives read data at a fraction of the speed that modern
        drives are capable of.  As a result, many early IDE/ATAPI CD-ROM
        drives implemented only the "PIO mode 1" level of IDE interface.
        on IDE controllers, that meant that any other device on the same
        channel was also limited to that PIO mode, even if it was capable of
        faster modes.
          Things have changed.  Modern CD-ROM drives support higher PIO
        modes, even though they generally can't take advantage of them.  And
        UDMA controllers (which can handle IDE and EIDE drives) allow
        different modes for each device instead of a single mode per

          So John's advice above is still useful when upgrading an old
        or taking advantage of spare parts, but isn't something to worry
        about if you're buying a new motherboard and/or CD-ROM drive.

What year would define as Modern CD-ROM?

Alan Geist

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