Fellow hunter gatherers
I am new to the paleo lifestyle.  I have only been on the diet for two
weeks now, but I think it is great.  I never feel tired after meals
anymore.  I have always been a hunter (deer), and paln to do more
because I cannot afford to buy this much beef.  I have been making a
list of questions:

    What is wrong with cured bacon and sausage?

    How can I make my own?

    Since pork cannot be eaten raw, why is it paleo?

    Are cashews paleo?  A friend of mine told me they are
    toxic before processing, but I can find no such evidence.

    Are there any "nuts" other than peanuts that are actually
    lugumes, and should be avoided?

    I thought Ray said oils were out.  Why does everyone use olive
    oil?  Are oils ok if pressed from the seeds of paleo foods?

    Ray also mentioned some squash that is off the list.  What about
    gourds in general?

    What types of herbs may be digested for intoxication as Ray
    mentions hunter-gatherers do, rather than use alcohol?  Are any
    legal?  Illegal?  May I even ask that question?

    Does anyone actually gather?  I guess it varies by region.  I
    live in Lubbock, TX.  That is in west Texas for anyone not

Any answers will be greatly appreciated


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