On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, Damron, Mike (KYTC) wrote:

        > A couple of months ago I developed a sort of tightness in my chest
        > shortness of breath.  It makes deep breathing difficult and gets
        > painful with exertion.  My doctor has found nothing wrong, EKG and
        > X-ray are normal.  I went to a cardiologist for a stress echo and
it was
        > also normal.  My doctor has put me on Prilosec for acid reflux
(always been
        > a problem) and even Prozac (apparently chest pain is a common
symptom of
        > depressed males).  Nothing helped.

        Then Todd wrote:
        You should tell us more about your version of Neanderthin.  Is it
        ketogenic or near-ketogenic?

        It shouldn't be ketogenic because I eat a lot of fruit and fruit
juice.  But when I first came back it did feel like I was low-carbing:  bad
taste in my mouth, sweaty, irritable, headaches.