   I am a medical librarian and coordinator of the Kreamer Family Resource
Center (a consumer health library for and about children) at Children's
Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.  I have been asked to find out if anyone "out
there" has experience with using botulinum toxin (Botox) injections to
improve speech.  I have searched the CPPARENT archives and have found a few
glancing references to it.  If any of you have experience with Botox
injections to the vocal cords or Botox used in any way to improve speech,
and you don't mind sharing your experience or the name of the doctor who
gives this treatment, please email me at [log in to unmask]
   My requestor would like to know where this treatment is being done, and
by whom, and if it appears to help.  There is little or nothing published in
the medical literature about Botox and speech improvement, so I am appealing
to you for any available information--collectively, you have a lot of
expertise  (and first-hand experience) in CP therapies.
Brenda R. Pfannenstiel, MALS, MA
Coordinator, Kreamer Family Resource Center
The Children's Mercy Hospital
2401 Gillham Road
Kansas City, MO  64108
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