<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I've only been getting mail from the group for a few weeks now.  I'm in
the process of finding out if I do or don't suffer from Celiac Disease.
Reading the daily postings from the group have been quite helpful.
I've spent so many years (most my life) living with these rotten
symptoms that I was beginning to think I was nuts or something.

I've read everything I could get my hands on about Celiac Disease and
Gluten intolerance, and find I suffer from most of the major acknowledged
symptoms, including chronic diarrhea, gas, bloating, stomach distress,
and extreme fatigue.  For most of my life I've suffered from a irregular
heart rate.  I've even spent time in the cardiac care unit when my heart
rate jumped up to 190 and stayed there after I ate a tuna sandwich.
The strange part is that I've had a two complete cardiac work-ups,
both of which showed nothing out of the ordinary.  I was told (1) my
symptoms were most likely caused by stress, (2) to loose weight
(3) and avoid tuna (I had eaten it for years without any problems).

Prior to going on a gf diet, my heart rate would jump up to 120 within
30 minutes of finishing almost any type of meal.  Since going on a gf
diet my irregular heart beat has returned to normal, and I've had only
one episode of tachycardia (after eating a new brand of peanut butter)
None of the literature I've read lists any cardiac changes as being
symptomatic of Celiac Disease.  Do you, or anyone you know, get cardiac
reactions to food.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Jeanne Barkemeijer de Wit