<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

In regards to the respondant who said that "kosher for passover" spices (or
any foods for that matter) are GF.  This is NOT necessarily the case.
Leavened foods (i.e. breads, cookies, cakes, etc) are not kosher for
Passover but Passover foods CAN made with wheat flour (as long as it's not
allowed to rise - e.g. matzoh and matzoh meal)  but would definitely not be

I am writing this warning because I recently saw on a website (I don't
rememebr which one!) a recommendation to buy Passover foods on the
assumption that they are always GF.  This is not true and you should, in
fact, be  _extra_ carfeul because some foods you might not suspect -
gefilte fish, powdered mashed potatos, soups, and spices etc - often have
matzoh meal added.

Of course, since I'm new to this whole GF thing, I have no idea of what I'm
going to eat this Passover...

Danielle Luttenberg
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> One of our listserv members from Israel mentioned that we can be safe by
buying spices which are guaranteed "kosher for passover".  Just "kosher"
enough; they must be "kosher for passover".  She suggested getting in touch
with a Jewish community in my city to find out where I can purchase these.
She buys hers around Passover time (April) for the whole year.