Caryl Wattman wrote:
> I am surprised to have a *bad* cold -- it's on its 11th day, and I'm still
> coughing and coughing and my eyes are watering a lot.  I am in my 10th
week of
> eating paleo. All the veggie theorists talk about detoxing when  you start
> their various wondrous regimes -- do paleos detox, too?
Are you running a fever? I know that when I get sick now (low-carbing,
paleo) I can't run a fever until I carb-up, which I usually do with
I've had VERY long colds (month long) that only got worse with dry
that made me cough all the time. With a carb-up I just run a fever and
cold is gone within a couple of days. I usually wait a couple of days
see if the cold goes away on its own (becaus I don't want to eat carbs
unnecessarily) but then I pig out :)

Of course your problem may be completely different.
