On Tue, 10 Nov 1998 22:54:57 -0800 Mark Rode <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Are you sure your not hearing one long and three short beeps ?

Yes, I am positive.  Low...High...Low....  approx 2 seconds each same

:Thank you for your reply, I really do appreciate it very much.
Sorry I forgot the video section of my post.  The motherboard has built
in video.  There are only 6 jumpers on the board, the only one pertaining
to video is for monochrome, color.  Yes I tried that one too.  Just for
kicks I stuck in a known good trident video card without luck.  After
three attempts to contact Packard Bell's support, they suggested starting
up the system with only the processor installed, nothing else.  So, ok,
tried that and same thing, the tones, added ram, got the tones, floppy,
still tones, keyboard, monitor, daughterboard, all with no effect.  So,
my conclusion thus far is a bad motherboard.  Luckily it is an old one
which was limited to upgrades so no big loss there, I just hate to see
old parts die.  I had wondered about a corrupted bios??

Thanks very much for your time,
David A. Abbe

>>I have a Packard Bell Legend 68CD with the 512R motherboard in it.
 I checked the power
>supply,  loose chips  I checked the hard drive, ram, floppy drive, cd
rom, keyboard, and
>mouse in another system and all check out fine.  I get three tones
without video or anything.
>>Phoenix bios, it's not documented well.  I pulled the motherboard out
visually inspected it as best as I can.
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