I just finished installing an Amptron PM9600 motherboard,
AMD K2-2 266 processor, 32meg PC100 SDRAM and an
S3Virge 4m video card. After many reboots, extracting BIOS.VXD
from the cd and many more boots, I think I am ready to re-install 95.
I have a spare 540m hard drive so I don't have to do it without
a backwards path.
I tried to install to the D: drive and it wouldn't let me. It said that
I could not install in something other than the path I was running from.

What I would like to do is format the new drive and do a fresh
install from the upgrade cd.
What steps do I have to take?
I have the startup disk. Do I just FORMAT C:  ?
If so, what then: I can't access my CD from that state. All it sees
is the A and C drives.

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