> > Me:
> >
> > cholesterol has just been found at 279 (which is
> Don Wiss:
> What is the breakdown? That total is a combination
> of good and bad cholesterol. Maybe your HDL, the
> good one, is over 100, which may give you
> acceptable ratios.

Here is my breakdown:
triglycerides: 78 ("normal")
HDL: 63 ("normal")
LDL: 204 ("should be 160 or less")

I did fast for 12 hours before this test; I took one
about a week before, right after breakfast, which
showed me having a level of 332.

Thanks to all for the replies. I am going to try
cutting way back on the eggs and using lots of
monounsaturated oils and fish.

- Ratha                           ICQ number 18395425
            "...therefore, if thou like, rain, O sky!"