Over on the PCO support list, where most people eat low-carb in one
fashion or another (e.g. Atkins, CAD, the Zone), people continually
each other to drink, drink, drink lots of water - at least eight 8 oz
glasses per day. We all know the benefits - hydration, flushing out
ketones and other toxins, aid to digestion, etc.  But I keep wondering
When did we start needing so much water? It seems hard to imagine
paleopeople as having access to all that much water every day,
if they were nomadic and were often looking for water sources. Were
suffering in continual dehydration?Or do we really not need that much
liquid? I know when I go camping, I drink much less than usual,
it's a pain to lug all that extra water that is also needed for
and cooking. In winter it'd be even more difficult.
