Amadeus Schmidt wrote:
> On Mon, 2 Nov 1998 15:22:13 -0500, Ilya <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >While the debate about meat certainly belongs to this list it does
> >not belong as a response to my message, which had nothing to do
> >with meat, vegeterianism, or how paleo is either of them. I have also
> >pointed out that that's what my message was about and asked not to
> >start a debate about it. It would be plain curtesy on your part not
> >to use my message for your thread again, considering that I did not
> >give any real reason for you to start such an UNRELATED thread.
> >.. These were merely examples
> >of what MAY BE HAPPENING. I am not making any claims for them, so don't
> >start debunking them one by one. ..
> >Thank God
>  for small favors. (If I sound sarcastic, it's because I
> >am - your trolling has just wasted 30 minutes of my time responding
> >to you).
> Yes,I did start a new thread and I am *not* going to let you decide or
> on which topics i may or may not be allowed to discuss about,
> or in which way i was allowed to argue.
> I am not living in Russia of 1980 or in Germany of 1940 or in any
> other dictatorship, and as long as i am following the constraints of this
> given discussion list i feel free to speak free.
> If you don't like to discuss a topic or you feel to waste your time then
> please simply don't do it - otherwise you will probably waste time!
What? Did you not see what I said and what you have quoted above? Go
and read it, then read it again. I said that this topic belongs to
list, but it does not belong as a response to my message. Which part
this did you not get? Did I say you couldn't discuss this? NO! In case
didn't realise this you start a new thread by posting a NEW message,
not a reply. So drop your righteous attitude and look at what I have
written and at what you have written. I am amazed that after being
impolite and responding to an UNRELATED message when I asked people
not to you then attack me for pointing this out. All you had to do
was to start a new thread. I would NOT have commented on it then.
When you respond to my message it becomes a responce to me and my
responce is expected.
