Hello Groupmembers!

Being interested in food & health science (and cooking, for
that sake) I stumbled over Your list only two days ago. I have since
then been wading in information, jumping between pages, trying to
it somewhat out".

Although I've just been reading for two days, it has already generated
a zillion of thoughts, and quite a bit confusion, aha:s and many
and so on...

As I thought about what to write about in my introduction, the first
was to enumerate some those things that I thought a different diet
do for me.

After some rethinking, I decided to wait a couple of weeks, reading
posts, and then come up with some questions (or find out that it is
actually quite simple and apparent, or that it's all a big fuss)

Finally, I decided to post right now, to tell You how my mind is
like never before confronted with all this information & different
turning very much of my world upside down.

I think I might have found a very interesting place, although it has
started a virtual battle of competing thoughts in my brain. And I will
definitely stay here for a wile, now if I could get some JOB done
surfing... :-) How did all You stumble on this things?

...And some more information about me; I am a 25 years old male,
living in
the south of Sweden. I consider me self being a long distance runner,
not that I run very long distances, but anyway (hmm..) I have a long
lived after the principle to "eat lots of bread and pasta and
and supplement with meat and fish. My first contact with the "high-
protein" hypothesis/thory was a thread about the "Zone Diet" on the
UltaMarathonMaillinglist, I was subscribed to. It also made me think
a lot, but I eventually pushed the thoughts aside...

Ok. so here I am, I'll save my "newbe" questions for a while I think!


Jonas Amoson,
Vaxjo, Sweden
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