> Although I thrive best on a meat-based diet, I seem to be sensitive to
> almost every common meat (beef, chicken, and pork).  I want more choices
> than lamb and fish, especially since I don't want to develop any more
> sensitivities.  I'm particularly concerned with finding other sources of
> red meat
> -- Aaron Wieland

Have you tried bunny or duck? Dominion supermarkets here in toronto
fresh rabbit (about $5-7 CDN for a 1/2 rabbit). As for red meat, I
know in
Caribbean butcher shops you can get oxtail and goat; maybe there's
something similar in ottawa (my birthplace, BTW!)...And I remember a
on CBC about an Inuit community that is raising a herd of muskoxen for
profit. I don't remember details but surely they must ship and sell
meat to somewhere, eh?

good luck
