Mark wrote:
> I saw a commercial for cheese on TV yesterday and it made me laugh.
> I'll try my best to remember it.  It started with a small group of
> cavemen dressed in animal furs pointing to a painting of an animal on
> the cave wall and chanting, " Meat, meat". In walks a caveman with a big
> wheel of cheese and this seems to please the group.
> Could this be a preemptive strike against the publicity that Ray's new
> book is going to generate?  Ray has definitely got his work cut out for
> him.

Actually that ad's been running for quite a number of months now, at
here in Toronto. Personally I always found it a little disturbing -
not for the obvious reason. In the background you hear didgeridoo
music playing.  Thus in the mind of the viewer, these garish,
parodies of "cavemen" are associated with Australian Aborigine



p.s. I'll pipe up on the roe thread: I ADODRE ikura, the big orange
salmon roe. Love to pop 'em individually in my mouth mmmmmmm, briny
goodness.  I bought a small jar at an italian gourmet store. No dye or
other poisons, but you pay thru the nose ($8). If anyone's interested
can get the name of the brand.