-----Original Message-----
From: Nieft / Secola
>Hmmm... Most fish roe has been at least salted and probably
>cooked/pastuerized i the manner of caviar. This is especially true of any
>roe in a jar but can be true for overwrapped roe as well. Some
>Japanese-style roes are spiced further and sometimes include nitrates these
>days. Regardless of the processing, if the roe comes from wild fish it is
>nutritious with a capital N.

I love caviar and canned roe.  There used to be a brand called
caviar that was really good (and inexpensive).  Romanoff's is
terrible.  I
buy canned roe whenever I am in Denmark or when I can find a European
specialty shop.  It comes in a can similar to Spam and is compressed
It is light pink in color, a little granular, it has a pleasant fish
In Denmark we eat it cold, sliced and with a big dollop of mayonnaise
and a
squirt of lemon juice.  I loved it as a child, maybe Mary's child
would like
the canned kind.
