At 12:01 1998-11-11 -0800, Susan wrote:

>Are there any European paleo specialties that I might like to know about?

Perhaps we should analyse the Altamira cave for som paleo recipes :-)

A swedish speciality wich comes to my mind, is "tjaelknoel"
It is only some 20 years old (not 20000 needed to be paleolithic). The
rumour is that a busy housewife took an elk steak out of the freezer
to thaw it put in a 70 degree (Celcius of course, we have only that
Kelvin in Sweden) oven over the night. In the morning she found it not
only thawed but ready baked. But as she had not been able to put it in
brine before cooking, as she had intended, shi did it afterwords. At
party that nigth all the guests praised the very fine steak. It seems
that cooking for a longer time at low temperature is a good idea to
The salty brine is of course something we paleos can do better

- Hans