>From:    Binnie Betten <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: How much water?

>A good rule is to avoid drinking
>large amounts of liquid from one half hour before a meal to two hours

This agrees with some information posted on the CR list.  Iso-caloric
sugar solutions, one having (I think) 3 times the volume of the other,
were give to two sets of volunteers.  Their blood sugars were measured
for a glycemic index measurement.  The larger volume of liquid,
containing the same amount of sugar produced a 25% higher glycemic
response.  The reasoning was that the stomach works to eliminate the
increased liquid volume, which is later absorbed in the intestines.
is probably one reason why some watery items, like carrots, have
glycemic indexes than might be expected.

James Crocker
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to
 be continually fearing you will make one."
---Elbert Hubbard (1859-1915)