Ratha Grimes wrote:

>> > cholesterol has just been found at 279 (which is
>> What is the breakdown?
>Here is my breakdown:
>triglycerides: 78 ("normal")

Low. Brought down by the lack of grains in your diet.

>HDL: 63 ("normal")

Above average. Brought up by consumption of fats, possibly from the
saturated fats.

>LDL: 204 ("should be 160 or less")

Rather high.

Some people feel the most important ratio is HDL:TG, with 1:1 being
and 1:2 not being too bad. Yours is 1.24, which to them would be very
So, while the LDL is high, you are much, much better off than someone
a 279 that has a very low HDL and Triglycerides in the hundreds.
