<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

To the list:
Dr. Michael Gershon, chair of anantomy and cell biology at Columbia U.,  was
interviewed Tues, OCt 28, on the Diane Rehm Show, NPR radio and spoke about
his book "The Second Brain:  The Scientific Basis of Gut Instinct."

He described the nervous system of the gut.  The use of prozac was in
regards to FBD, functional  bowel disease, as opposed to auto-immune
diseases such as ulcerative colitis and celiac sprue.  He did say prozac
maybe would help in motor systems with CS.  He took questions about
ulcerative colitis, celiac sprue, GERD, autism, referred pain, intestinal
candida, fibromyalgia among others.

He described the function of seratonin in the gut and why it worked for some
patients - but not those with auto-immune diseases.

It was fascinating to listen to the whole hour.  Waynel (female)