<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi list members!
Thanks for all responds concerning GF in Frankfurt.

Here comes the summary:

I cannot give you any info on Amsterdam or Paris, but in Germany all the
health food stores must be regulated by the government.  My husband and I
visited Germany a year ago last summer and were delighted to find that the
health food stores are called Reformhauses in every major city in Germany.
In addition all the gluten-free food is in one section - breads, muffins,
cookies, etc., Also gluten-free in Germany sounds just like gluten-free in
English, so you can go into any health food store - say gluten-free and they
will point you to a wonderful array of foods.

In addidtion I wrote to the Celiac Society in Stuttgart Germany for the names
of health food stores.  They sent me the names of 7 in Munich where we spent
the first week.

Address for German Celiac Society is
FiLderhauptstrabe 61
70599 Stuttgart
phone 07-11-45-45-14
FAX 07-11-4567817

There is a chain of Health Food stores in Germany called Neuhaus.  I'm sure
there is one in the Frankfurt area.  They sell many gluten free food items.

You need to contact the German Celiac Society, Deutsche Zoliakie-Gesellschaft
E.V.  (DZG).  The contact person in the office is:  Sofia Beisel,
Filderhauptstrasse 61,D-7110599, Stuttgart, Tel:0711/45 45 14.  Fax:  0711/45
678 17.  Ask for the name of a contact person in Frankfurt.  There are
support groups throughout Germany as they are much more highly diagnosed than
in the U.S.

DZG has a web site (in German):  <http//home.t-online.de/home/dzg.e.v./> but
will soon add an English translation.

I, too, noticed that there has been conflicting information on sausages and
was specifically told if it was not in the DZG food guide it could not be
considered GF.  Look for a Reformhaus which is a Health Food Store in which
to buy products, but remember that Germany accepts Wheat starch and Dietetic
Wheat Starch.

I used to buy gluten free products in the "Reformhaus". This is a chain
selling healthfood and various herb concoctions. They have gluten free
sections, often well stocked. Specifically I remember one called
"Boermel Ernst" which has a lot of stuff, including GF chocolate wafers
and various goodies (yum), but also the more basic things like bread and
pasta. They are located downtown close to the subway station
"Eschenheimer Tor" (or "Turm", my memory fails me).

Just get off the subway, go up to street level and talk a walk around
the traffic jam, and you'll probaly find it. More specifically, walk
towards the main shopping area ("Hauptwache") and it's in a side street
on your left. Or look them up in the yellow pages. I can't tell you
about specific restaurants, but if you order grilled meat, you should be
safe. Just beware of the sauces, as they can be thickened
with flour.

Another thing you might want to check out (and I don't know what source
you may have) is Sausage.

I avoided all sausage while in Germany because I thought it must contain
gluten as in the States.  When I returned there was a message on the Internet
stating that they thoroughly enjoyed the sausage in Germany.  The message
said that the sausage made in Germany is gf, but any sausage from the States
contains gluten.

in Germany you can get gf food in a so called "Reformhaus".  You can find
these shops quite often, so just ask somebody on the street where the next
"Reformhaus" is.  I do not know a special gf restaurant as I am not from
Frankfurt.  But I have made good experiences in different restaurants.  I ask
to prepare some meet and vegetable for without any flour or wheat starch and
to use only salt and pepper, so mixed spices which might contain gluten.  I
was always served a real good meal.  If you need the German translation, here
it is:  without flour or wheat starch - ohne Mehl oder Weizenstaerke only
salt and pepper - nur Salz und Pfeffer But I think in Frankfurt's restaurants
you will find a lot of waiters who speak English.

The German "Celiac disease foundation" sells a booklet listing a lot of
food companies and their gf products. If you stay for a longer time in
Germany you can get one at    Deutsche Zoeliakiegesellschaft e.V.
                              Filderhauptstr. 61
                              D-70599 Stuttgart
It costs 10.- DM. Perhaps you have a friend in Frankfurt who can help
with the translation. I also think, that the "Zoeliakiegesellschaft" can
give you the name of a celiac contact person in Frankfurt to help you with
the shopping.

If you have more question, please contact me. (I do not have access to the
internet at the weekend, so wait 'til Monday.)