I'm considering getting a new video card for my computer.  I have a Dell
OptiPlex GXa+, 128MB RAM, Onboard ATI Rage Pro (AGP), and a Dell Trinitron
21" monitor.  The onboard AGP card was only upgradable to a total of 4MB of
memory and there is no other AGP slot.  As a result, any video card I'd
consider would have to be PCI.

I've heard good things about the Matrox G200 (but no PCI version yet),
Diamond 550, and STB.  I don't play many games and just want something that
will work very fast in a business environment and drive a 21" monitor at
least at 1024X768 (would prefer 1280X1024).  Does anybody have any

Any information would be appreciated.

Oscar Ricardo Silva
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