In continuation of my previous post, I have discovered one thing you
should all know that I did not when I bought this book. The CD that is
included only allows you 100 free questions and then you must call in and
purchase and unlock code for $79 to view the other 500 questions. Pretty
sneeky trick if you ask me. In spite of this it still seems to be a good

On Mon, 26 Oct 1998 20:58:13 -0500 Paul Sprague <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I have begun studying for the A+ and found what I think to be a good
>book. It is called "All-In-One A+ Certification Exam Guide" by Michael
>Meyer, McGraw Hill Publishing. It lists for $57 and I picked it up on
>sale for $38 at Micro Center. It contains a CD with practice exams and
>is up to date for the 1998 version of the exam. It is not an easy one
>to find. Micro Center was the only store that carried it. I hope this
>Paul Sprague
>Sprague Computer Services

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