I have a problem with a PC - it runs fine but does not show the startup and
shutdown screens if it is cold booted.  It does however show all 3 screens
when warm booted.  I have recently put in a new boot drive and did not have
this problem before.  On cold boot startup it simply stays in the "black
screen" dos mode until the wallpaper shows up - bypassing the standard
"Windows/Clouds" logo screen which is in the proper place.  On the first
shutdown it skips both shutdown screens and 'rapidly' gives a DOS black
screen with 2 text lines saying OK to turn off the PC.

If I warm boot it it gets both the startup and shutdown screens OK

Any ideas?

Paul Lagasse, Jr.  Sc.D.                        [log in to unmask]
Phone 413-794-5843                      Baystate Health Systems
Fax   413-794-5570                      Springfield, MA

"It is logically impossible to schedule for the unknown" - Dilbert

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