On Mon, 12 Oct 1998 14:45:40 PDT, Jennifer Coppola <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Men can loose iron with theraputic phlebotomy or whole blood donation
>every 8 weeks as allowed.

Of course, knowing the problem of iron accumulations through a high meat
consumption, we can do something
against it. For example donate blood.
Maybe here we also have found the reason, why therapeutic phlebotomy
(i tink that means loosing blood controlled by a doctor)
and also loosing blood intentionally by leechs, really have a
therapeutic success.
A little addendum. There's a desease causing the regular loss of blood -
 piles (hemorrhoides) .
Having this desease has been calld in old
having the "golden blood vessel".
Annother indicator that loosing iron/blood may be an important
health advantage.
Anyhow, that doesn't look as we humans were very well adapted to the
consumation of *high* amounts of meat, in this case.
