On Thu, 1 Oct 1998 15:01:45 -0400, Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Mary wrote:
>>  If you consult the USDA nutrient database you'll find
>that the vitamin C content of beef, etc. is zero.  We also have
>the testimony of Stefansson that pemmican *alone* is sufficient
>to prevent scurvy.
>.............. Therefore, I suspect
>that either something else was eaten along with the pemmican to
>prevent scurvy or something else *in* the pemmican prevents
I'm feeling a bit unshure about this among so much pemmican
specialists ( :-) ) but I recall haveing read that the native american
put berries into their pemmican.
Most berries have very much of vitamin c and in this
way a useful combination should result with the pemmican
(fat and vitamins are just  what is missing in meats).
