> IF I recall correctly, all the rella cheese except vegan-rella (truly
gross, IMO) have milk products (casein) in them.

This is true.  Vegan-rella clearly lists casein, which is milk protein.
For those allergic to milk (as opposed to LI), casein is as deadly as
milk itself, as the body is actually reacting to the milk protein (or
casein). MANY "vegetarian" (but not vegan) foods include casein or
sodium caseinate as an ingredient, as it is an essential protein for
humans (one of several which can only be acquired through meat or dairy).
Therefore, vegetarian foods are usually NOT safe for milk-allergic
people unless they are vegan and listed as "dairy-free" (but ALWAYS
read the ingredients).

The Non-Dairy: Something to Moo About web site has a list of milk
protein-based contaminants at http://non-dairy.org/newcomer.html

Did you look for casein in the ingredient list? If so, I would be
very frightened.
