I only plug in my SlimSCSI card when I need it, and when I do,
the modem sound doesn't work.

System is Dell Latitude XPi P133 32MB, Win95a, DUN
PCMCIA slot 1: Pace Microlin NB 33.6 Voice modem (normally resident)
PCMCIA slot 0: Adaptec 1460 SlimSCSI (optional)
External SCSI chain: 32x CD-ROM, 2GB HD, Zip Plus

Both devices work fine, but if I plug in the SlimSCSI card I get
no call progress or connect tones from the modem (I think it still
works, but I don't like using it when I can't tell what it's doing).

Hot-unplugging the SCSI card before dialling seems to be enough
to get sound back, I don't have to reboot.

I also don't get sound if I move the modem to slot 0,
but that may be a red herring.
Perhaps it needs to be reinstalled for a different slot:
it installs as a modem _and_ as a wave device.
Since I have to kick Windows several times in a sensitive place
to get it to uninstall and reinstall the modem properly, this isn't
something I've experimented with.

My config.sys includes dos drivers because I sometimes plug in
a RAM card from my HP200LX as drive D:
device=c:\windows\system\carddrv.exe /slot=1
These were installed using the Win95 wizard and
all PCMCIA setup was done within Win95.

Any clues about what disables the sound?

Len Warner <[log in to unmask]> http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~len/ ICQ:10120933

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