On Fri, 18 Sep 1998 21:54:36 -0500, Mahesh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Hello Amadeus!
>>(just a little fond of his celtic-bavarian blood line)
>Was bedeuten Sie?
I don't understand your question, mahesh.
I come from bavaria which is in southern germany. Bavaria has been
part of the celtic root-culture (Hallstatt and  La Tene) which
lasted from about 1000BC until 15BC here.
I has been overlayed by "germanic" tribes later which came from north
(and east?) and brought possibly bloodtype A , B, AB.
Blood type mixture in Germany is similar to France/USA,
a mixture of type 0 and types A B AB, possibly from more celtic
and more northern sources.
We use to have a little bavarian local patriotism here ;-)