On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 08:01:42 -0400, Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>>(2) Other investigators found that a high protein intake
>>increased calcium absorption when dietary calcium was adequate or high, but
>>not when calcium intake was a low 500 mg per day.(3)
>Could you tell please how *you* reach your 500mg per day?
>(my references show a need of 800mg for adult woman)
>Disregarding dairy, I can only find sesame as
>an exorbitant source (900mg/100g)
>then almonds wich 250mg/100g.

>Do you have any net resources ...

Don, thanks  for the references you sent to me by private email.

As summary I understood that according to that studies
a "high protein diet given by meat"
doesn't influence the calcium balance (78 to 132 day test).
And that calcium intake rose for that persons from 800mg/day
to 1200 mg/day, upto 2200 mg per day.

I've got some questions:

What is "high" ( 250g meat per day? or two pounds?).
Are there longer tests than just 1/3 year?
And where do *you* get your 1200mg calcium per day from,
if you don't eat dairy?

