On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 09:35:01 -0700, Robbins, Arlene <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>> So what were the implications of haveing blood type 0?
>> regards
>> Amadeus
>> (just a little fond of his celtic-bavarian blood line)
>        Interesting idea.  However, I'm 100% prime eastern European Jew
>(well, I guess originally more like eastern Mediterranean/North African).
>        I don't know what implications being type O has.  But when I first
>read about the paleo diet, something deep inside me recognized it as
>"right".  I didn't know my blood type at the time but had heard of the blood
>type theory.  I took a blood test a
fterwards mostly to confirm my
>        -Arlene
Hello Arlene,
I don't know much about predominating blood-groups in
people with non middle-european origin because that's
my favourite archeological area.
I think jewish people tended to mix up very little with
other ethnic origins. So maybe blood type 0 might
be the dominating in semitic origins also.

The jewish/semitic origins - as fas as could be told from
from the thora/bible and archeology must be assumed in the
middle east exactely the point where european
agriculture spread from.

So even if blood type A or B came up rather late
in history, my impression is that there is no
direct connection to the time
a person's society spent with or without
agriculture in history.

I think we have to search for some other reasons
if the blood types had different nutrition
requirements (waiting for adamos
objection:-) ).

