> Now one can't say at all that celtic people were less
> neolithic than the more easern and northern ones.
> On the contrary. Celtic culture originated
> in an area of (todays) eastern France and
> southern Germany. Population is beleaved to have
> remained relatively stable (autochton) at that area
> for a very long time - grain agriculture based.
> So what were the implications of haveing blood type 0?
> regards
> Amade
> us
> (just a little fond of his celtic-bavarian blood line)
        Interesting idea.  However, I'm 100% prime eastern European Jew
(well, I guess originally more like eastern Mediterranean/North African).

        I don't know what implications being type O has.  But when I first
read about the paleo diet, something deep inside me recognized it as
"right".  I didn't know my blood type at the time but had heard of the blood
type theory.  I took a blood test afterwards mostly to confirm my
