Hello Todd!

<<On Sat, 5 Sep 1998, Amadeus Schmidt wrote:

> Aren't there some studies of connections between protein (or meat)
> consumption and kindey deseases? Anybody here knows?

No, this appears to be a vegan myth.  There are studies that
indicate that diseased kidneys cannot tolerate a high protein
diet, but there is no evidence that high protein *causes* kidney
disease.  Many people have looked for this evidence, but it's
just not there.

It's a bit like saying that a person with weak ankles (for
whatever reason) shouldn't ice skate too much.  It doesn't imply
that ice skating causes weak ankles.

Todd Moody
[log in to unmask] >>

Can this be answered by epidemiological studies? Protein consumption around
the word versus the incidence of kidney disease?

Is the kidney the eliminative organ in the presence of high protein levels
in the bloodstream? The proteins ( urea compounds) color the urine yellow?

Is it not true that excess acidity of the blood is caused by high protein
and calcium has to be leached out of the bones to buffer the blood and so
that the kidneys can eliminate the excess protein?
