
Kent, I have the book from Edmond Bordeaux Szekely who claims to have
found scriptures in the secret vatican archives originating from the
Essenes from Jesus' times, and who published them.

Using altavista i found yesterday an english version on the net
 at: http://www.inetex.com/joanne/what_did_jesus_say_about_eating_.htm

I would like to meet or speak to a persons who triy to follow
the described diet. Does anyone know someone?


I am familiar with books on the Essenes and some of the new interpretations
of the Dead Sea Scrolls which shed more light on their life. A scholar from
Australia -- I dont remember her name at present -- has given some
wonderful insights into the historical origins of the Bible and the
historical Jesus, who was an Essene. The scrolls were long kept a secret
from other scholars by the existing religious organisations -- because
their full translation poses a threat to them.

Although I do not eat what would be called an "Essene Diet" -- the term is
not well defined -- I eat mostly raw fruits, vegetables, sprouts, soaked
nuts, sea vegetables, algae, weeds.

I have never felt better; My bio-markers are better than  as a teenager.
Cutting out cooked food -especially grains made for a much leaner and
muscular physique.

I am 5'8" and weigh about 140 lbs.
